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Grand Rapids
United States


Tater Tats! Temporary Vegetable Tattoos that support small farms and healthy eating!


Kraut Source, CA


News and updates about the farms and all things veggies that we think are great. 

Kraut Source, CA

Guest User

San Francisco, CA. Karen Diggs is the inventor of Kraut Source, a tool which attaches to a wide mouth Ball jar, making fermentation easy for the home cook/maker. With Kraut Source's tools & recipes, you can fill your kitchen with magical small-batch ferments of all kinds and colors. Visit for inspiration galore, educational video shorts, and your own starter kit. Kraut Source opens the door to fermentation projects which go way past the pickle. Ferment your own relish, hot sauce, and more!

Save 15% off Kraut Source products online through 9/22 with code: fermentfriends2017 

kraut source carrot ferment.jpg

Get in Touch with Karen Diggs at Kraut Source:

Tell us about your organization, what do you do?

I am the inventor and founder of Kraut Source - Fermentation Made Simple.

Tell us how your organization got started & why.

I am a chef, culinary instructor, certified nutritionist, and passionate fermenter. In 2014, I launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund Kraut Source, and we were backed by over 3,000 supporters! Our mission at Kraut Source is to encourage people to make their own fermented foods at home and to educate them about the health benefits.

Pomegranate Kraut - get the recipe!

Pomegranate Kraut - get the recipe!

What are you working on right now? What are you most excited about?

I am working on another Kickstarter project, unrelated to Kraut Source (!!!)
I am working on a pickles book.
I am continuing to be an ambassador of good microbes and teaching people how to make fermented foods.
I am trying to lead a plastic-free life.
I am a member of the Pachamama Alliance and am passionate about environmental issues.

What frustrates you most about your work or the current food culture at large? What do you wish to change the most?

Waste, plastic packaging, and fast foods (the Kraut Source packaging can be returned to the earth by composting--or planting, in the case of the seed paper insert).

The general public's addiction to sugar and convenience foods.

Learn right from the (kraut) source how to make real, living pickles! Then visit for more recipes, video shorts, and your own starter kit! 
*video produced by Food Gurus

Any recent moments of optimism? Things you see changing for the better?

Lots of people are taking interest in farming and sustainable practices--a hopeful beginning.

What's your favorite vegetable to eat, grow, or wear?


Anything else you want us to know? Anything you want us to help you spread the word about?

We can make this world better by first nourishing our internal eco-system (our microbiome) with fermented foods. Once we are healthy and in balance, we can heal the exterior eco-system that is our precious Mother Earth.